Results for 'George de Santiliana'

947 found
  1.  14
    Attraction universelle et religion naturelle chez quelques commentateurs anglais de Newton. Hélène Metzger.George de Santiliana - 1940 - Isis 32 (1):145-148.
  2. La signification présente du réalisme critique.Georg Lukacs & Maurice de Gandillac - 1960 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 15 (4):551-552.
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    Towards a pragmatist dealing with algorithmic bias in medical machine learning.Georg Starke, Eva De Clercq & Bernice S. Elger - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (3):341-349.
    Machine Learning (ML) is on the rise in medicine, promising improved diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic clinical tools. While these technological innovations are bound to transform health care, they also bring new ethical concerns to the forefront. One particularly elusive challenge regards discriminatory algorithmic judgements based on biases inherent in the training data. A common line of reasoning distinguishes between justified differential treatments that mirror true disparities between socially salient groups, and unjustified biases which do not, leading to misdiagnosis and erroneous (...)
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    Eine gesetzliche Regulierung des Umgangs mit Opiaten und Sedativa bei medizinischen Entscheidungen am Lebensende?Georg Bosshard, Noémi de Stoutz* & Walter Bär - 2006 - Ethik in der Medizin 18 (2):120-132.
    ZusammenfassungDer ärztliche Umgang mit Opiaten und Sedativa bei Patienten am Lebensende kann ethische Fragen aufwerfen. Entsprechende Entscheidungen blieben bisher in aller Regel der ärztlichen Berufskunst und -pflicht überantwortet. Heute aber gerät dieser Bereich zunehmend auch in den Blickwinkel des Rechts. Ausdruck davon sind Bestrebungen, die indirekte Sterbehilfe, allenfalls auch die terminale Sedierung gesetzlich zu regeln. Ausgehend von einer Ist-Analyse der ärztlichen Praxis sowie von bereits bestehenden Regulierungen untersucht diese Arbeit die Konsequenzen derartiger Bestrebungen. Es zeigt sich, dass der Versuch, die (...)
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  5.  18
    Obediência, banalidade do mal e resistência.Ricardo George de Araújo Silva - 2021 - Perspectivas 6 (2):306-318.
    Ao tratar da obediência e banalidade do mal em Hannah Arendt, ensejamos discutir o estatuto da obediência e colocar essa em exame via reflexão. Desse modo, entendemos que a obediência sem reflexão pode ser um contra valor capaz de promover o mal. Nessa direção, a resistência pela reflexão e pela ação podem servir de barreiras para obstar esse mal. Elegemos a figura do pária rebelde como paradigma exemplar de resistência pelo que chamamos de uma desobediência ética que se ocupa da (...)
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    À propos d’une conférence de Maurice Merleau-Ponty sur les aspects politiques et sociaux de l’existentialisme.Albert Camus, Georges Friedmann, Maurice De Gandillac, Pierre De Lanux, Maurice Merleau-Ponty & Jean Wahl - 2018 - Chiasmi International 20:133-146.
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  7.  13
    Imortalidade e eternidade: um diálogo em torno da vida ativa.Ricardo George de Araújo Silva & Napiê Galvê Araújo Silva - 2012 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 5 (1):99-109.
    O texto Imortalidade e Eternidade: um diálogo em torno da vida ativa privilegia três categorias: a memória, a narração e a imortalidade. Categorias que destacam a ação no mundo. A imortalidade se impõe como aquilo que está sendo perpetuado no tempo pela memória e pela narração. A noção que teria de ser superada, nesse contexto, é a noção de eternidade, tendo em vista que a mesma lança fora dos negócios humanos toda e qualquer ação. Com isso objetiva-se demonstrar a distinção (...)
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  8.  19
    Notes and Correspondence.Lynn Thorndike, George Sarton, Joseph de Somoyogi, L. Goodrich & Eduard Farber - 1948 - Isis 39:58-66.
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    A questão dos refugiados e a ideia de pertencimento ao mundo em Hannah Arendt.Ricardo George De Araujo Silva - 2018 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 23 (1):377-414.
    Ao discorremos sobre o pertencimento ao mundo e a questão dos refugiados em Hannah Arendt, buscamos trazer a lume uma discussão enfrentada pela autora no século passado, mas que se torna atual, haja vista a conjuntura mundial hodierna. Nosso problema focou a seguinte questão: é possível um mundo sem acolhimento dos seres humanos e de suas relações? Ao nos indagarmos sobre isto, enfrentamos o papel do direito internacional frente à questão, sobretudo, no que concerne à tensão entre direitos humanos e (...)
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  10.  12
    (1 other version)Les inconnus de la biologie déterministe.George H. Sabine - 1914 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 77 (4):538-539.
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    Le destin de l’individu dans le monde actuel.Albert Camus, Georges Friedmann, Maurice De Gandillac, Pierre De Lanux, Maurice Merleau-Ponty & Jean Wahl - 2018 - Chiasmi International 20:101-115.
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  12. Altamira y la invención de la representación visual.George Dickie - 2007 - Estudios Filosóficos 56:5-16.
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    Farewell Ceremonies: How Older People Practice Death and Bereavement.Hans-Georg Eilenberger & Marjolein de Boer - forthcoming - Human Studies:1-19.
    Later life is often seen as a time of losses. Through the death of loved ones and the dwindling of bodily capacities, older people are increasingly confronted with their own mortality. As losses accrue across different domains, they form a unique existential vantage point. We aim to shed light on this understudied dimension of later life by analysing older people’s everyday practices of sense-making. Drawing on the findings of a qualitative interview study (_n_=16, aged 65-93), we identify three distinct practices (...)
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  14.  34
    Cuestiones Disputadas: Ensayos de Filosofia.Ortega y Gasset. An Outline of His Philosophy.George L. Kline & Jose Ferrater Mora - 1960 - Journal of Philosophy 57 (10):341.
  15.  95
    Home Literacy Environment and Early Literacy Development Across Languages Varying in Orthographic Consistency.Tomohiro Inoue, George Manolitsis, Peter F. de Jong, Karin Landerl, Rauno Parrila & George K. Georgiou - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:546817.
    We examined the relation between home literacy environment (HLE) and early literacy development in a sample of children learning four alphabetic orthographies varying in orthographic consistency (English, Dutch, German, and Greek). Seven hundred and fourteen children were followed from Grade 1 to Grade 2 and tested on emergent literacy skills (vocabulary, letter knowledge, and phonological awareness) at the beginning of Grade 1 and on word reading fluency and spelling at the end of Grade 1, the beginning of Grade 2, and (...)
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  16.  32
    Verborgen Paradijzen. Het Leven en de Werken van Maria Sibylla Merian . J. Stuldreher-Nienhuis.George Sarton - 1948 - Isis 39 (3):184-184.
  17.  22
    S. Albert le Grand Docteur de la Mediation Mariale.George B. Stratemeier - 1935 - New Scholasticism 9 (4):373-373.
  18.  19
    Antécédents gréco-arabes de la psychophysique. Léon Gauthier.George Sarton - 1940 - Isis 32 (1):136-138.
  19.  41
    The 'tabula aurea' of Peter de bergamo.George Tyrrell - 1969 - Heythrop Journal 10 (3):275–279.
  20.  56
    The Fate of the Individual in Today’s World.Albert Camus, Georges Friedmann, Maurice De Gandillac, Pierre De Lanux, Maurice Merleau-Ponty & Jean Wahl - 2018 - Chiasmi International 20:117-132.
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  21.  19
    A recuperação da política: ação e espaço público segundo Hannah Arendt.Ricardo George de Araújo Silva & Napiê Galvê Araújo Silva - 2011 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 3 (1):1-10.
    Pensar a recuperação da Política a partir da ação e do espaço público comporta o grande objetivo deste texto. Queremos com isso trazer a baila duas categorias fundamentais no pensamento de Hannah Arendt. Para tal empreitada nos apoiamos em obras da autora de modo especial A condição Humana e Entre o passado e o Futuro. Elegemos como metodologia central a pesquisa bibliográfica.
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    Análisis matemático de la lógica.George Boole - 1960 - [La Plata]: Instituto de Filosofía de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata.
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  23.  27
    Etudes Américaines. Emanuel de Margerie.George Sarton - 1954 - Isis 45 (4):387-388.
  24.  29
    Cinq années de recherches archéologiques en EthiopieR. P. Azaïs R. Chambard.George Sarton - 1933 - Isis 19 (3):516-518.
  25. G. Bachelard: La dialectique de la durée.George J. Stack - 1976 - Philosophische Rundschau 22:265.
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  26. Regards en arrière : Les Préfaces de « La Quinzaine ».George Fonsegrive - 1908 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 16 (5):8-8.
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  27. A filosofia de Santayana.George Santayana - 1967 - São Paulo,: Editôra Cultrix. Edited by Prado Júnior, Bento & [From Old Catalog].
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  28. La Synthese Geologique de 1775 a 1918.George Sarton - 1914 - Isis 2:357-394.
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  29.  32
    Saint Augustin et la Fin de la Culture Antique. Henri-Irénée Marrou.George Sarton - 1950 - Isis 41 (2):202-204.
  30.  35
    Les manuscrits arabes de l'Escurial. H. P. J. Renaud.George Sarton - 1942 - Isis 34 (1):34-35.
  31.  28
    Un grand français: MongeLouis de Launay.George Sarton - 1934 - Isis 22 (1):242-245.
  32. Berkeley ou l'Itinéraire de l'âme à Dieu.George Berkeley - 1967 - Paris,: Seghers. Edited by Jean Pucelle.
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  33.  10
    A Phenomenology of the Devout Life: A Philosophy of Christian Life, Part I.George Pattison - 2018 - Oxford University Press.
    A Phenomenology of the Devout Life is the first part of a three-part work, A Philosophy of Christian Life. Rather than approaching Christianity through its doctrinal statements, as philosophers of religion have often done, the book starts by offering a phenomenological description of the devout life as that is set out in the teaching of Francois de Sales and related authors. This is because for most Christians practice and life-commitments are more fundamental than formal doctrinal beliefs. Although George Pattison (...)
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    Notes and Correspondence.Lynn Thorndike, George Sarton, Joseph de Somogyi, L. Carrington Goodrich & Eduard Farber - 1948 - Isis 39 (1/2):58-66.
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    First person plural.George Melnyk - 2015 - Calgary, Alberta, Canada: Frontenac House.
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    Le retour eternel et la philosophie de la physique. Abel Rey.George Sarton - 1927 - Isis 9 (3):477-479.
  37.  14
    Médecine et santé dans le Pays de Vaud au XVIIIe siècle, 1675-1798Eugène Olivier.George Sarton - 1940 - Isis 32 (1):150-153.
  38.  37
    Le futur du verbe.George Steiner - 2007 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 54 (2):147-155.
    Nous remercions le professeur George Steiner de nous avoir autorisés à reproduire le texte d’une brillante conférence (en français). Le problème qui l’attire dans ce texte, qui remonte aux années dominées par le travail « post-babélien », est la place, la fonction et la portée du futur dans l’horizon linguistique. L’analyse du mot anglais si particulier privacy est une remarquable illustration des thèses présentées.
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  39.  91
    How the Cold War Transformed Philosophy of Science: To the Icy Slopes of Logic.George A. Reisch - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This intriguing and ground-breaking book is the first in-depth study of the development of philosophy of science in the United States during the Cold War. It documents the political vitality of logical empiricism and Otto Neurath's Unity of Science Movement when these projects emigrated to the US in the 1930s and follows their de-politicization by a convergence of intellectual, cultural and political forces in the 1950s. Students of logical empiricism and the Vienna Circle treat these as strictly intellectual non-political projects. (...)
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    El “gran cisma fenomenológico” y el “cisma fenomenológico-existencial”. Sobre la continuidad en la crítica contemporánea respecto del tránsito de Husserl hacia el idealismo trascendental.George Heffernan - 2016 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 14:233-272.
    It is generally acknowledged that there were two schisms in the early history of the phenomenological movement. The first, the Great Phenomenological Schism, started between 1905 and 1913, as many of his younger contemporaries, for example Pfänder, Scheler, Reinach, Stein, and Ingarden, rejected Husserl’s transformation of phenomenology from the descriptive psychology of the Logical Investigations into the transcendental idealism of Ideas I. The second, the Phenomenological-Existential Schism, happened between 1927 and 1933, as it emerged that with Being and Time Heidegger’s (...)
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  41. Arta de a întelege muzica.George Bălan - 1970 - București: Editura muzicală.
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    Comment augmenter le rendement intellectuel de l'humanite?George Sarton - 1913 - Isis 1 (3):416-473.
  43. Care biography: A concept analysis.Matthew Tieu, Regina Allande-Cussó, Aileen Collier, Tom Cochrane, Maria A. Pinero de Plaza, Michael Lawless, Rebecca Feo, Lua Perimal-Lewis, Carla Thamm, Jeroen M. Hendriks, Jane Lee, Stacey George, Kate Laver & Alison Kitson - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (3).
    In this article, we investigate how the concept of Care Biography and related concepts are understood and operationalised and describe how it can be applied to advancing our understanding and practice of holistic and person‐centred care. Walker and Avant's eight‐step concept analysis method was conducted involving multiple database searches, with potential or actual applications of Care Biography identified based on multiple discussions among all authors. Our findings demonstrate Care Biography to be a novel overarching concept derived from the conjunction of (...)
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  44.  25
    De Motu and the Analyst: A Modern Edition, with Introductions and Commentary.George Berkeley & Douglas Michael Jesseph - 1991 - Springer.
    Berkeley's philosophy has been much studied and discussed over the years, and a growing number of scholars have come to the realization that scientific and mathematical writings are an essential part of his philosophical enterprise. The aim of this volume is to present Berkeley's two most important scientific texts in a form which meets contemporary standards of scholarship while rendering them accessible to the modern reader. Although editions of both are contained in the fourth volume of the Works, these lack (...)
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  45. Une approche au vocabulaire de la douleur.George Simons - 2022 - Ithaque 30:209-228.
    Contrairement à une tendance majoritaire de l’exégèse du vocabulaire de la douleur dans le Corpus hippocratique (CH), qui le réduit à trois familles de mots et qui conçoit la douleur chez les médecins hippocratiques comme un phénomène exclusivement physique, nous avons des raisons de penser qu’on peut trouver plusieurs manières de signifier la douleur dans le CH et que les médecins hippocratiques ont thématisé des éléments émotionnels dans leurs diagnostics de la douleur.
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  46.  22
    Byzantinism and Rationality: Julien Benda and Constantine Tsatsos.George Arabatzis - 2017 - Peitho 8 (1):423-446.
    This article examines the concept of Byzantinism that Julien Benda employed in his book La France Byzantine. In the fin-de-siècle European sensibility, Byzantinism was transferred from political to literary level, but Benda created an epistemological break when he asserted in his book that Byzantinism is literature in its normal function. Furthermore, of Byzantinist character is especially the modern literature. Thus, labeling modern literati as Byzantinist writers served as a critical tool for Benda, who condemned the degradation of modern intellectuals into (...)
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  47.  83
    Some Recent Controversies in the Study of Later Greek Rhetoric.George Alexander Kennedy - 2003 - American Journal of Philology 124 (2):295-301.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 124.2 (2003) 295-301 [Access article in PDF] Some Recent Controversies in the Study of Later Greek Rhetoric George A. Kennedy The Greeks of the Roman Empireproduced no equal to Cicero or Quintilian: among their extensive writings there is no profound philosophical examination of political rhetoric and no comprehensive account of rhetorical education based on a lifetime of teaching. But the numerous later Greek rhetorical (...)
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  48.  10
    The Life of Reason or the Phases of Human Progress: Introduction and Reason in Common Sense, Volume Vii, Book One.George Santayana & James Gouinlock - 2011 - MIT Press.
    Santayana argues that instinct and imagination are crucial to the emergence of reason from chaos. Santayana's Life of Reason, published in five books from 1905 to 1906, ranks as one of the greatest works in modern philosophical naturalism. Acknowledging the natural material bases of human life, Santayana traces the development of the human capacity for appreciating and cultivating the ideal. It is a capacity he exhibits as he articulates a continuity running through animal impulse, practical intelligence, and ideal harmony in (...)
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  49.  7
    Ensayos sobre Filosofía de la Historia.Robin George Collingwood - 1970 - Barral Editores.
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  50. (1 other version)De Motu.George Berkeley & Mariapaola Fimiani - 1991 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 181 (1):119-119.
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